Nuestro Equipo

Para CENTURY 21 Ballena Properties el principal objetivo es apoyar a nuestros clientes y así optimizar la experiencia en una transacción inmobiliaria. También representamos “Ballena Homes“, una compañía constructora que ofrece una completa variedad de servicios profesionales e innovadoras tecnologías de construcción, para ayudar a nuestros clientes a construir la casa de sus sueños.

Equipo de Bienes Raíces de CENTURY 21 Ballena Properties


Marcel Van Willigen es el corredor/copropietario de CENTURY 21 Ballena Properties y reside en el área de Ojochal desde 1999. Originario de Países Bajos, Marcel tiene una licenciatura en Negocios y Comercio. Después de servir a su país en el Ejército Real Holandés durante 6 años, se unió a Lombard International Assurance en Luxemburgo como ejecutivo de cuentas.

Durante unas vacaciones en Costa Rica, lejos de la monotonía de las reuniones de negocios y vestimentas formales, Marcel quedó cautivado por la energía del país y decidió hacer de la costa sur, su hogar. A lo largo de los años, ha administrado el Hotel Posada en Playa Tortuga y formó parte del equipo de ventas y mercadeo con la Ventana Del Pacífico empresa promotora, donde adquirió una amplia experiencia en el sector inmobiliario y negocios de venta y desarrollo de suelos. También administró una casa de huéspedes y visitas guiadas a la propiedad organizadas, introduciendo a numerosos clientes a la belleza de la Costa Ballena.

Después de tantos años de adquirir el conocimiento en el área, Marcel ahora está utilizando su experiencia para administrar Century 21 Ballena Properties. Su conocimiento del área, desarrollos y disponibilidad propiedades es invaluable para el éxito del negocio. Fluido en cinco idiomas, lo que hace que la comunicación con una base de clientes diversa de ambos vendedores y los compradores sin problemas.

Comuníquese con Marcel para experimentar el “Pura costarricense Vida” estilo de vida de primera mano.    



CCCC Bill Campbell ha vivido tiempo completo en Ojochal durante los últimos dos años y ha estado viniendo a Costa Rica los últimos cinco años. Originario de Calgary, Canadá, la formación de Bill fue principalmente en la industria de la construcción. Esto ha demostrado ser invaluable para los clientes cuando buscan comprar o construir la casa apropiada. Antes de unirse a CENTURY 21, Bill era un exitoso corredor de bienes raíces asociado a otra agencia en la Zona Sur. En palabras del propio Bill:

“Lo que tenemos aquí es una comunidad que viene envuelta para regalo por los bellos alrededores de selva, montañas y playas”.


Karen is an enthusiastic member of the community and enjoys everything the southern zone has to offer. She moved to Ojochal in 2013 with her husband and son and brings with her 25 years of experience in tourism, marketing and real estate. She has an impressive degree of creative energy, integrity and dedication to client service combined with an inherent ability to relate warmly to people she meets.

In Karen’s words ‘Growing up surrounded by the natural beauty of Canada’s west coast and then traveling extensively around the world has given me the love and appreciation for natural beauty. This is why I am here and explains my zeal to help others discover this paradise I have found’.

Please call Karen anytime without obligation, she is ready to go to work for you today!


Dan Lancinger

As a 20 year resident of the South Pacific zone, Dan has the most intimate knowledge and experience of this region.

Coming from various backgrounds and living in different countries, Dan has the ability to communicate in many languages. After business and marketing graduation he launched his career on the outskirts of Toronto where he began in home remodeling. This has eventually led into home design and construction that was further expanded into Costa Rica. His knowledge of the field and excellent negotiation skills have taken him across all the fields in the construction department. From simple renos to delicate government jobs to managing multi million dollar projects, he treats all levels of his customers with the same respect.

It is thanks to his exceptionally loyal clientele, personal referrals and repeat business that formed the foundation of his career. After the sale of his hotel he found himself in the right time and place to expand further. It is this, along with his passion for the housing industry that led Dan into real estate and joining the C21 team.

Axel Morales

Axel is a Costa Rican who is passionate about the development and protection of his country in areas such as biodiversity, tourism and real state.

Tourism was one of the first gates that provided him with experience in hospitality management in different countries. After 4 years, he came back to Costa Rica to seek for opportunities in the Southern Pacific Region because that is where most of the prestigious and sustainable hospitality projects are located. Axel has been involved in the hospitality industry for 5 years since his return. This journey made him gain experience in customer service and address the real estate field.

The desire of supporting others to build their dreams as he did himself is one of the most important goals in his live. For this reason, being part of Century 21 Ballena Properties and help opening their New Office in Perez Zeledon is one of the first steps to materialize that goal, as well as to learn how to promote sustainable development whilst protecting the biodiversity in this beautiful country.

Alvaro Azofeifa

Alvaro “Tito” Azofeifa founded Uvita Surf School in 2005 and expanded it into a full scale recreational tourism business named Uvita 360 in 2012. Since then, he has expanded into property management with a portfolio of properties available for sale or rent.

Native Costa Rican who has understand the value of hard work. During high school, he worked on weekends at his father’s restaurant business, which helped him learn the ins-and-outs of running a small business. He graduated from the Universidad Latina de Costa Rica with a degree in English as a Second Language and speaks fluent English. After flourishing in his own tourism business for fifteen years, he navigated the economic downturn brought on by COVID-19 by reinventing himself as a property manager and now manages a number of properties between Uvita and Ojochal on the southwest coast. Most recently, has also become a licensed real estate agent.

Through a combination of determination and hard work, Tito Azofeifa has become skilled at a variety of tourist-facing businesses. He is experienced with management, marketing, website development and social media. Most importantly, he knows how to provide superior customer service and can find a property that fits your needs. Choose Tito to work for you.

Lisandro Bermudez

Lisandro was born in the Southern Zone of Costa Rica and for 8 years he worked as a Marketing Manager and Sales Manager for two of the most important companies in this part of the Country.

All this time in sales helped him to get to know most of the territories in the Region of Perez Zeledon and Southern region in depth, as well as to meet many people who little by little have deposited their trust in him to  sell their properties.

Lisandro graduated as an accountant in 2010 and two years later as a marketing specialist and with 12 years of experience in these professions he has become more than a real estate agent and a sales & finance advisor.

As a sales professional, Lisandro understands that a sale is more than just a transaction, it is the realization of someone’s dreams (the buyer), the possibility of improving the reputation for the Agent and the closing of a life project for the seller. Lisandro is a professional highly interested in closing sales that generate high satisfaction for all parties

Sasha Jiménez Lapierre

He tenido el privilegio de nacer y crecer en esta magnífica nación. Mis raíces se remontan a la pintoresca costa sur de Costa Rica, pero he tenido la oportunidad de residir en varias regiones del país. Con doble nacionalidad como “francocanadiense y costarricense”, hablo español, francés e inglés. Durante mi estadía de cinco años en Montreal, me sumergí en una forma de vida claramente diferente, brindándome una perspectiva más amplia. Fue esta experiencia la que impulsó mi decisión de embarcarme en una nueva empresa en la industria de bienes raíces, impulsada por mi deseo de ayudar a las personas a crear sus hogares ideales en mi amada patria, ya sea que busquen adoptar el estilo de vida de Pura Vida o deseen capitalizar las abundantes oportunidades en la Costa Ballena, mi objetivo es guiarlos y apoyarlos.

Si está buscando asesoramiento y asistencia de expertos, comuníquese conmigo y juntos descubriremos la propiedad o inversión de sus sueños en la espléndida Costa Ballena. ¡No confíes solo en las historias de otros, ven y experiméntalo por ti mismo!


We strive to provide maximum client satisfaction, and we will work with you until we find the perfect property you have been dreaming.